Sharpening up — increased resolution
by Will Chambers on 9th October, 2017

Bramble's online whiteboard was inspired by the original iPad. Where some saw an oversized iPhone, we saw an internet connected piece of paper that could support supervision-style learning and collaboration between people from anywhere in the world. That original iPad had a screen resolution of 1024x768. Ever since then, that had been our target resolution. Until today.
We've just released an update to Bramble which doubles the resolution, meaning there's now four times as many pixels on every page. This makes everything sharper: from strokes and texts to all of your resources. It's with those resources that the change is most noticeable, diagrams and pictures are now much crisper.
It was PDFs that inspired us to make the change. Following our recent improvements to PDF import, we've seen a lot more PDFs shared on Bramble. Those PDFs were often in portrait, so only took up half a page on Bramble. This left plenty of room for workings but also presented some legibility issues with text. Rather than zooming or splitting the PDF pages, we upped the resolution. Text is now much clearer but there's still room for workings, keeping the best of both. Check out the examples below to see the difference.
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