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Resource sharing transformed

by Will Chambers on 4th May, 2018

Resource sharing is integral to the online tutoring experience. The ability to share diagrams, essays and past papers makes online tutoring just as rich as the offline equivalent. There are a number of ways to share resources on Bramble, from drag and drop to copy and paste, but previously they all had to be discovered – there wasn't a button on the dock that triggered resource sharing. There is now.

Clicking the new resource icon triggers an overlay allowing you to choose from two options: share a resource from your device or reuse a resource from a previous session. Both options work across devices.

From Android to iOS you can now upload resources directly from your mobile or tablet. These can be files stored on your device or in the cloud, or even a picture you take right there and then. This a great step towards a unified experience across devices and should make it much easier to share resources on Bramble.

Reusing resources from your previous sessions puts a wealth of great content at your fingertips. Every resource you've ever shared on Bramble is now mere clicks away, helping you make your online tutoring sessions even more dynamic.

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